Directors Share Dealing
The Company has been informed that following today’s announcement in relation to the 14th Round, Mark Abbott, Managing Director, purchased 150,000 ordinary shares in the Company at a price of 9.875 pence each via his SIPP. Mr Abbott's total beneficial shareholding in the Company is now 7,813,824 ordinary shares, representing 3.53 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company.
UK 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round Second Tranche Offers
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to advise that the Company is to be offered 11 blocks and part-blocks in the second Tranche of the UK 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round as announced today by the Oil and Gas Authority (“OGA”). These are in addition to the 7 blocks and part-blocks the Company was offered in the first Tranche as advised in August 2015. The OGA will now progress towards issuing Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences (“PEDLs”) over the blocks offered in the two Tranches.In the 14th Round as a whole, Egdon has been offered interests in a total of 18 blocks and part blocks which will translate into 9 new PEDLs. The new licences will cover a total area of approximately 1126 square kilometres (278,220 acres). This represents a significant proportion of the blocks for which Egdon applied. The new blocks to be offered are located in the East Midlands Petroleum Province and the Cleveland Basin and expand the Company’s acreage and opportunity base within these two core areas providing a mix of new, conventional and unconventional resource opportunities.The blocks to be offered to Egdon in the second Tranche are:East Midlands - Gainsborough Trough
- SE31c : Egdon 15%, joint venture with Island Gas Energy PLC (“IGas”) (35%, operator) and Total E&P UK Limited (“Total”) (50%), adjoins SE41e offered to the partnership in the first Tranche.
- SK59b : Egdon 15%, joint venture with IGas (35%, operator) and Total (50%), adjoins SK49 offered to the partnership in the first Tranche.
East Midlands - Humber Basin
- TA30, TF39b : Egdon 37.5% and operator, joint venture with Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited (37.5%) and Petrichor Energy UK Limited (25%).
- TF38c : Egdon 75% and operator, joint venture with Terrain Energy Ltd (15%) and Nautical Petroleum Ltd (10%), adjoins PEDL005(R) and contains a portion of the Louth prospect. As part of the farm-out announced in July 2015 Egdon will transfer a 10% interest in this block to Union Jack Oil plc subject to OGA consent.
Cleveland Basin
- NZ51, NZ52b, NZ52c : Egdon 33.333%, joint venture with Third Energy Onshore Limited (33.334%,operator) and Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited (33.333%), surround part of PEDL068 in Teeside which contains the Kirkleatham gas field.
- SE99a, TA09 : Egdon 17.5%, joint venture with Third Energy UK Gas Limited (20.0%, operator), Europa Oil & Gas Limited (22.5%), Shale Petroleum (UK) Limited (22.5%), Petrichor Energy UK Limited (12.5%), and Arenite Petroleum Limited (5.0%), contain the Cloughton tight gas discovery (Bow Valley, 1986) ca. 10km north of Scarborough, also cover part of the site from which Egdon plans to drill a well to test the offshore “A” Prospect gas discovery (Total, 1966).
- NZ90 : Egdon 100%, adjoins SE99a above, covers part of the site for the “A” Prospect well.
Commenting on the 14th Round offers, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc, said:“We are delighted with this outcome in what has been a very competitive Licensing Round. The blocks we have been offered in the 14th Round overall will provide further significant opportunities to grow our business and will be excellent additions to Egdon’s portfolio of UK exploration and development assets. The award of NZ90A and SE99A in the Cleveland Basin meanswe can now also push ahead with the consenting process for the proposed well to test the considerable potential of the offshore “A” Prospect. As an established operator with a strong licence holding, we are encouraged by the high level of interest shown in the UK Onshore and are pleased that our good reputation and partnering strategy in the 14th Round helped us to secure these new licences. We look forward to progressing our evaluations of the new acreage whilst continuing to engage with local stakeholders, and will update shareholders in due course.View the UKOOG 14th Round Fact Sheet for answers to some common questions and concerns.Click below to view a map of Egdon's 14th Round licence offers

Results of Annual General Meeting
The Directors of Egdon Resources plc are pleased to announce that at the Annual General Meeting held at the offices of Norton Rose Fulbright on 3 December 2015, all resolutions put before shareholders at the meeting were duly passed unanimously.
At the meeting, Managing Director Mark Abbott presented a review of the business. The presentation will be available and can be accessed from the Company's website: www.egdon-resources.com.
Details of the voting and proxies received can be viewed here
Grant of Options
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that as part of its annual incentive review it has granted options to the following Directors.DirectorNumber of Options grantedExercise Price (pence)Vesting DateExercisable UntilMark Abbott979,3819.71 August 201631 December 2026Jerry Field824,7429.71 August 201631 December 2026Following the grant of the options, which are effective 14th November, the interests of the Directors in the share capital of the Company are as follows:DirectorTotal number of Options held over Ordinary SharesNumber of Ordinary Shares heldMark Abbott2,561,5357,563,824Jerry Field2,497,6170In addition the Company has granted options to employees on the same basis as Directors. The total number of options granted to Directors and employees of the Company is 4,134,021.
Final Results for the Year Ended 31 July 2015
Wressle Oil and Gas Discovery: Update
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to provide an update on operations and plans for the Wressle oil and gas discovery located to the east of Scunthorpe in Lincolnshire on licence PEDL180 where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.
As announced previously, it had been the PEDL180 joint venture (JV) partners’ intention to undertake further well test operations on both the Ashover Grit and Penistone Flags intervals. However, since completion of the Extended Well Test (“EWT”) operations in early September 2015, the group has completed a detailed review of the data gathered to date and are now sufficiently comfortable to continue working towards compiling a field development plan (“FDP”) without requiring further time-consuming and costly testing operations.
As previously reported, flow rates from the Ashover Grit measured in the initial testing phase (80 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”)) were affected by localised near well bore formation damage (high “Skin” factor) and so are not representative of the flow rates that could be attained from this interval. Reservoir engineering analyses of the well test pressure and production data indicates that initial production rates in excess of 500bopd could be anticipated if the effects of the “Skin” can be successfully countered. It is therefore the JV’s intention that plans for the development of Wressle will include a comprehensive suite of operations and procedures, designed to mitigate the impact of the “Skin” on production rates, which form part of the initial workover programme for the well to prepare it for long-term production.
Egdon and the PEDL180 partners now plan to progress to an agreed FDP for Wressle with a view to it being ready in Q1 2016 for submission to the Oil and Gas Authority (“OGA”) for approval. The FDP will be compiled using drilling and test data from the well together with reprocessed 3D seismic data to quantify the developable resource volumes attributable to Wressle. In addition, planning and permitting applications will also be required to be submitted to North Lincolnshire Council and the Environment Agency.
Production from Wressle is currently expected to be phased, with initial development focused on the Ashover Grit oil reservoir.
Commenting on the update, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon Resources said:
“We are delighted that the petroleum engineering and geotechnical work conducted to date has given the PEDL180 joint venture sufficient confidence to move directly towards FDP preparation for Wressle, without further costly and time-consuming testing. We are now focussed on delivering the required consents to enable us to commence commercial oil production from the Ashover Grit in H2 2016.”
Notes to Editors:
The Wressle Oil Discovery -The Wressle Prospect was defined on proprietary 3D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in February 2012. The structure is located on trend with the producing Crosby Warren oil field and the Broughton-B1 oil discovery, both to the immediate northwest, and the Brigg-1 oil discovery to the immediate southeast. All contain oil in various different sandstone reservoirs within the Upper Carboniferous succession. The pre-drill gross mean Prospective Resources at Wressle, as calculated by Egdon, were estimated to be 2.1 million barrels (“bbl”) of oil. This will be updated following a review of the drilling and test data together with the results of the interpretation and mapping of the re-processed 3D seismic data.
The Wressle-1 well reached a total depth (TD) of 2240 metres measured depth (MD) (1814 metres true vertical depth below OS datum (TVDSS)) on 23 August 2014. Elevated mud gas readings were observed over large parts of the interval from the top of the Penistone Flags reservoir target (1831.5 metres MD) to TD. The interests in the Wressle-1 well are:
Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited 33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited 33.34%Union Jack Oil plc 8.33%The well was logged using measurement whilst drilling (MWD) logging tools run on the drill string. Petrophysical evaluation of the log data indicated the presence of potential hydrocarbon pay in three main intervals;
- Penistone Flags – up to 19.8 metres measured thickness (15.9 metres vertical thickness)
- Wingfield Flags – up to 5.64 metres measured thickness (5.1 metres vertical thickness)
- Ashover Grit – up to 6.1 metres measured thickness (5.8 metres vertical thickness)
On 9 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the successful Ashover Grit Flow Test, which recorded flow rates of 80 barrels of oil per day and 47 thousand cubic feet of gas per day during a 16 hour main flow period. No appreciable volumes of water were observed. The oil is of good quality with a gravity of 39-40° API.On 19 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the successful Wingfield Flags Flow Test, which recorded flow rates of up to 182 barrels of oil per day of good quality 39-40° API oil on free flow, along with up to 456 thousand cubic feet of gas per day.On 27 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the initial successful Penistone Flags test, which produced gas at facilities-restricted flowrates of up to 1.7 million cubic feet of gas per day with associated oil of up to 12 barrels of oil per day and no free water.On 27 March 2015, shareholders were updated on the second successful Penistone Flags test. Zone 3A in the Penistone Flags was perforated over a 7.5 metre interval and produced good quality oil with a gravity of 33o API. A total of 98.5 barrels of oil were recovered during the test (of which flow induced by swabbing operations produced 34.3 barrels of oil). This equates to a rate of approximately 77 barrels of oil per day (bopd).During the current EWT the Zone 3A perforations were produced for a total of 254hrs over a 13 day period from the 5th to 17th July 2015. Zone 3A was initially produced by sucker rod pump and was then allowed to free flow to surface after the wellbore and perforations had fully cleaned-up. Over the full 13 day period the following separator cumulative volumes were produced: - 1,127 barrels (“bbl”) of oil, 147 bbl of kill brine and 2,790 Mscf of gas.Operations at the Wressle site will not involve the process of high volume hydraulic fracturing (‘fracking’) for shale gas.Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and France.Egdon currently holds interests in thirty four licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 26 years' experience.Evaluation of potential recoverable hydrocarbons has been assessed in accordance with 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System prepared by the Oil and Gas Reserves Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and reviewed and jointly sponsored by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).
Notification of Results
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that its Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 July 2015 will be announced on Tuesday, 3 November 2015.An analyst meeting will be held at 9.30am on 3 November 2015 at the offices of Buchanan, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN.
Favourable Holmwood Planning Decision- Drilling Corridor
Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is pleased to note that Europa Oil and Gas (Holdings) plc (“Europa”) has today announced that the Surrey County Council’s Planning & Regulatory Committee has granted permission for the underground drilling corridor for the Holmwood Exploration Well in PEDL143 in Surrey.Europa’s RNS contained the following information:“Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc … is pleased to confirm that Surrey County Council’s Planning & Regulatory Committee has granted permission for the underground drilling corridor of an exploratory borehole at the Holmwood prospect (‘Holmwood’) in the PEDL143 licence in the Weald Basin. Europa holds a 40% interest in PEDL 143, which contains the conventional Holmwood prospect, alongside Egdon Resources (18.4%), Altwood Petroleum (1.6%), Warwick Energy (20%) and UK Oil & Gas Investments (20% subject to completion of farm-in).The Holmwood prospect is to be drilled as a deviated exploration well. Europa and its partners now have planning permission for both the surface site and the underground drilling corridor. Next steps will include fulfilment of planning conditions and commencement of detailed drilling planning and environmental permitting. It is anticipated that drilling will take place in late 2016 or in 2017. Europa and its partner Warwick Energy intend to farm out some of their combined 60% equity in licence PEDL 143. The farm out process has already commenced and further updates will be provided as when it is appropriate to do so. An application for planning permission to drill the Holmwood prospect on PEDL143 was submitted in 2008 and was dismissed by Surrey County Council in 2011. A planning appeal in 2012 was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate. Europa successfully challenged this decision in the High Court in 2013. In 2014 the Court of Appeal upheld the 2013 High Court judgment in the Company’s favour and a second planning appeal was heard at an eight day public inquiry in April and June 2015. The Planning Inspectorate issued a decision to allow the remitted appeal on 7 August 2015 and Surrey County Council allowed planning permission for the underground drilling corridor on 23 September 2015.Europa provided the following information in its Geological Proof of Evidence submitted at the Planning Inquiry in April 2015: “In the event of a successful oil discovery at Holmwood and based on the most likely resource in place then the field is projected [by Europa] to have a Present Value of around £137 million at 60 $/bbl oil price in 2015 rising to 92 $/bbl by 2018 and inflated at 2% thereafter. After taking costs and discounting into account the Net Present Value to the Government based on current taxation rates will be around £86 million with around £51 million accruing to the Licensee group. As such the Holmwood prospect is considered of material value to both the Government and the Licensee.” CEO Hugh Mackay said “Following Surrey County Council’s favourable decision, we are meeting with our joint venture partners and reviewing plans to take the Holmwood prospect forward to drilling. With gross mean un-risked prospective resources of 5.6 million barrels of oil, as estimated in a CPR published in June 2012, Holmwood would be the UK’s fifth largest onshore field were the mean resources case to be proved by drilling success. Combined with a one in three chance of success, we therefore regard Holmwood as one of the best undrilled conventional prospects in onshore UK..”Egdon will be carried on the drilling costs for the Holmwood well on its 18.4% interest up to a set spending limit under the terms of an agreement announced on 29 June 2015 with UK Oil & Gas Investments plc.The Holmwood Prospect: The Holmwood Prospect is one of the largest undrilled prospects in the Weald Basin and was independently assessed by Troy Ikoda in 2004 as having potential gross Best Estimate Prospective Resources of 41.5 bcf. However, the recent discovery of oil at Horse Hill-1 some 10km to the East increases the chances of oil rather than gas being present at Holmwood. A Competent Persons Report by ERC Equipoise Limited, published in June 2012 on Europa’s website (http://www.europaoil.com/documents/CPR_Europa_Final_070612.pdf) estimates that the Holmwood prospect could contain mean gross unrisked prospective resources of 5.6 million barrels of oil for the combined Portland and Corallian objectives.Under the terms of an agreement announced on 29June 2015, UKOG will pay a 40% share of the Holmwood-1 drilling costs in order to acquire a 20% working interest in PEDL143 from Egdon. UKOG’s share of well costs will be capped at £1.2 million net to UKOG (i.e. 40% of a gross Holmwood-1 well cost estimate of £3 million). Gross well costs above £3 million, should they arise, will be met according to the working interests in PEDL143. Egdon’s interest in the licence on completion will be 18.4%. Egdon Resources plcEgdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and France.Egdon currently holds interests in thirty four licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 26 years' experience.Evaluation of potential prospective resources has been assessed in accordance with 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System prepared by the Oil and Gas Reserves Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and reviewed and jointly sponsored by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).
Completion of Farm-out of Interests in Licence PEDL005(R)
Further to the announcement of 14 July 2015, Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that all the required authorisations have been received in respect of separate farm-outs of Licence PEDL005(Remainder) (“PEDL005(R)”) to Terrain Energy Limited (“Terrain”) and Union Jack Oil plc (“Union Jack”). The licence, located in Lincolnshire, contains the Keddington producing oil field, part of the Louth oil prospect, and the North Somercotes gas prospect.Following completion of the Acquisition the interests in PEDL005(R) are now:Keddington Field PEDL005(R) Excluding KeddingtonEgdon Resources U.K. Limited45% (Operator)65% (Operator)Terrain Energy Limited35%15%Nautical Petroleum Limited10%10%Union Jack Oil plc10%10%
Wressle-1 Update and Forward Plan
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) provides an update on the Extended Well Test (“EWT”) operations at the Wressle-1 oil and gas discovery in licence PEDL180, located to the east of Scunthorpe, where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.Egdon has commenced the planning and permitting work which will support the submission of a Field Development Plan (“FDP”) and a planning application for production at Wressle.Operations on the Penistone Flags oil zone (“Zone 3A”) have now been suspended. The planned oil injection test to determine reservoir permeability was not undertaken due to delays from the Environment Agency in clarifying whether the current permit for the site allows for such an operation. In the tests conducted to date, both oil and gas have flowed with no evidence of water. Encouragingly, the well test data together with the log data indicate that the elevation of the oil water contact is deeper than previously considered for the Penistone Flags reservoir. An understanding of the oil water contact will enable a more accurate quantification of the oil and gas resource volumes together with optimisation of future well placement for development of this reservoir. In order to meet these objectives, Egdon now plans to undertake a further test to establish the nature of the fluids in the lowermost part of the Penistone Flags reservoir.Plans are currently being finalised for a workover of the well in order to remove the existing completion, cement off the existing Zone 3A perforations, open new perforations into the lowermost parts of the Penistone Flags reservoir and drill short horizontal bores into the reservoir section by water jetting (” radial drilling”) to be followed by a short flow test to establish the nature of the fluids in this interval.In relation to the Ashover Grit reservoir, we have been unable to re-establish flow from this interval during EWT operations. The new planned workover will enable the existing completion to be inspected and, if required, a programme of remedial works to be undertaken prior to continuing with the EWT.Although the Ashover Grit flowed at a rate of 80 barrels of oil per day when tested in February of this year, analysis of the well test data indicates that the flow rates were impaired due to a high “Skin Factor” and therefore were not representative of the flow rates that could be attained from this interval when fully “cleaned up”. Egdon is examining options that could be implemented to increase production by reducing the Skin Factor including radial drilling of this interval as part of the planned workover.Operations are expected to resume by late September or earliest October.We are also expecting shortly the results of reprocessing of the 3D seismic data over the Wressle structure which will assist in finalising the FDP and identifying any additional prospectivity. Egdon remain committed to seeking early oil production from the Wressle site subject to receipt of the necessary consents.Commenting on the update, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon Resources said:“Development of the Penistone Flags reservoir will require careful positioning of any future well to optimise oil production from this interval in which we have seen a higher level of gas than in other reservoir intervals. The planned additional test is designed to gain the appropriate information in the most cost-effective manner whilst also evaluating radial drilling which is one of the potential development options being considered for this interval. We also look forward to determining the cause of the issue with the Ashover Grit EWT and to resolving this such that we will be able to determine the true potential for oil production from this interval.”Notes :The Wressle Oil Discovery -The Wressle Prospect was defined on proprietary 3D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in February 2012. The structure is located on trend with the producing Crosby Warren oil field and the Broughton-B1 oil discovery, both to the immediate northwest, and the Brigg-1 oil discovery to the immediate southeast. All contain oil in various different sandstone reservoirs within the Upper Carboniferous succession. The pre-drill gross mean Prospective Resources at Wressle, as calculated by Egdon, were estimated to be 2.1 million barrels of oil. This will be updated following the results of the current test operations and mapping of the reprocessed 3D seismic data.The Wressle-1 well reached a total depth (TD) of 2240 metres measured depth (MD) (1814 metres true vertical depth below OS datum (TVDSS)) on 23 August 2014. Elevated mud gas readings were observed over large parts of the interval from the top of the Penistone Flags reservoir target (1831.5 metres MD) to TD. The interests in the Wressle-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited 33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited 33.34%Union Jack Oil plc 8.33%The well was logged using measurement whilst drilling (MWD) logging tools run on the drill string. Petrophysical evaluation of the log data indicated the presence of potential hydrocarbon pay in three main intervals;
- Penistone Flags – up to 19.8 metres measured thickness (15.9 metres vertical thickness)
- Wingfield Flags – up to 5.64 metres measured thickness (5.1 metres vertical thickness)
- Ashover Grit – up to 6.1 metres measured thickness (5.8 metres vertical thickness)
On 9 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the successful Ashover Grit Flow Test, which recorded flow rates of 80 barrels of oil per day and 47 thousand cubic feet of gas per day during a 16 hour main flow period. No appreciable volumes of water were observed. The oil is of good quality with a gravity of 39-40° API.On 19 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the successful Wingfield Flags Flow Test, which recorded flow rates of up to 182 barrels of oil per day of good quality 39-40 API oil on free flow, along with up to 456 thousand cubic feet of gas per day.On 27 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the initial successful Penistone Flags test, which produced gas at facilities-restricted flowrates of up to 1.7 million cubic feet of gas per day with associated oil of up to 12 barrels of oil per day and no free water.On 27 March 2015, shareholders were updated on the second successful Penistone Flags test. Zone 3a in the Penistone Flags was perforated over a 7.5 metre interval and produced good quality oil with a gravity of 33o API. A total of 98.5 barrels of oil were recovered during the test (of which flow induced by swabbing operations produced 34.3 barrels of oil). This equates to a rate of approximately 77 barrels of oil per day (bopd).During the current EWT the Zone 3A perforations were produced for a total of 254hrs over a 13 day period from the 5th to 17th Jul'15. Zone 3A was initially produced by sucker rod pump and then allowed to free flow to surface after the wellbore & perforations had fully cleaned-up. Over the full 13 day period the following separator cumulative volumes were produced:- 1,127 bbl of oil, 147 bbl of kill brine and 2,790 Mscf of gas.Operations at the Wressle site will not involve the process of high volume hydraulic ‘fracturing (fracking’) for shale gas.Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and France.Egdon currently holds interests in thirty four licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 26 years' experience.Evaluation of potential recoverable hydrocarbons has been assessed in accordance with 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System prepared by the Oil and Gas Reserves Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and reviewed and jointly sponsored by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).
Egdon to be offered blocks in the 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round first tranche
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes that the Oil and Gas Authority (“OGA”) has today announced the blocks to be offered in the first tranche of the 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round, which closed on 28th October 2014.
The management of Egdon are pleased to announce that the Company has been advised it will be offered a total of seven blocks or part blocks in this first tranche. The blocks are located in the East Midlands Petroleum Province and expand the Company’s acreage and opportunity base within one of its core areas of activity. The blocks to be offered provide a mix of new conventional, shale-gas and tight-oil opportunities.
In the Gainsborough Trough, the Company is to be offered a 15% interest in Blocks SE41e, SK49, SK89e, SK88b and SK87c. These blocks will be in a joint venture with IGas (35% and operator) and Total E&P UK Limited (50%), building on the Company’s existing relationships within this area.
In the Widmerpool Basin, Egdon will be offered an 18.75% operated interest in Blocks SK52a and SK53 in a joint venture with Hutton Energy Limited (25%), Coronation (Oil and Gas) Limited (25%), Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited (18.75%) and Petrichor Energy UK Limited (12.5%).
Egdon also applied for a number of additional blocks in other areas and notes that a second tranche of 14th round offers are expected to be made at a later date after the conclusion of a consultation under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010, which has today been announced by OGA.
Commenting on the offers, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said;
“We are delighted to have been advised that we will be offered a number of high quality blocks in what has been a very competitive licensing round. The new blocks provide significant opportunities for growth and will be excellent additions to Egdon’s UK portfolio of interests. As an established operator with a strong licence holding we are also encouraged by the high level of interest shown in the onshore UK. We now await the results of the second tranche of offers with interest.”
Favourable Holmwood Planning Inspectorate Decision
Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is delighted to note that Europa Oil and Gas (Holdings) plc (“Europa”) has today announced that the Planning Inspector has allowed the appeal and granted permission for the Holmwood Exploration Well in PEDL143 in Surrey.
Europa’s RNS contained the following information:
Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc … is pleased to announce that the Planning Inspectorate has allowed Europa’s appeal against Surrey County Council’s decision not to grant permission to drill one exploratory borehole and undertake a short term test for hydrocarbons at the Holmwood prospect (‘Holmwood’) in the PEDL143 licence in the Weald Basin, Surrey.
The Holmwood prospect is to be drilled as a deviated exploration well and a further planning application for the underground well path was submitted to Surrey County Council on 14 May 2014. It is understood that Surrey County Council will make a decision on this application now that the Planning Inspectorate has issued its decision on the planning appeal. Europa and its partners will wait until Surrey County Council makes its decision on the underground well path before considering next steps on this licence.
An application for planning permission to drill the Holmwood prospect on PEDL143 was submitted in 2008 and was dismissed by Surrey County Council in 2011. A planning appeal in 2012 was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate. Europa successfully challenged this decision in the High Court in 2013. In 2014 the Court of Appeal upheld the 2013 High Court judgment in the company’s favour and a second planning appeal was heard at an eight day public inquiry in April and June 2015. The Planning Inspectorate issued a decision to allow the appeal on 7 August 2015.
Europa’s CEO Hugh Mackay said “We are pleased with the Planning Inspectors decision. With mean gross un-risked prospective resources of 5.6 million barrels of oil, as estimated in a CPR published in June 2012, and a one in three chance of success, we regard Holmwood as one of the best undrilled conventional prospects in onshore UK and we await Surrey County Councils decision on the underground well path with interest.“
Egdon will be carried on the drilling costs for the Holmwood well on its 18.4% interest up to a set spending limit under the terms of an agreement announced on 29 June 2015 with UK Oil & Gas Investments plc.
The interests in PEDL143 on completion of the UKOG farm-in will be:Europa 40.0% (operator)Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 18.4%Warwick Energy Ltd. 20.0%UK Oil & Gas Investments plc 20.0%Altwood Petroleum Ltd. 1.6%Notes to Editors:The Holmwood Prospect:
The Holmwood Prospect is one of the largest undrilled prospects in the Weald Basin and was independently assessed by Troy Ikoda in 2004 as having potential gross Best Estimate Prospective Resources of 41.5 bcf. However, the recent discovery of oil at Horse Hill-1 some 10km to the East increases the chances of oil rather than gas being present at Holmwood. A Competent Persons Report by ERC Equipoise Limited, published in June 2012 on Europa’s website (http://www.europaoil.com/documents/CPR_Europa_Final_070612.pdf) estimates that the Holmwood prospect could contain mean gross unrisked prospective resources of 5.6 million barrels of oil for the combined Portland and Corallian objectives.
Under the terms of an agreement announced on 29June 2015, UKOG will pay a 40% share of the Holmwood-1 drilling costs in order to acquire a 20% working interest in PEDL143 from Egdon. UKOG’s share of well costs will be capped at £1.2 million net to UKOG (i.e. 40% of a gross Holmwood-1 well cost estimate of £3 million). Gross well costs above £3 million, should they arise, will be met according to the working interests in PEDL143. Egdon’s interest in the licence on completion will be 18.4%.
Wressle-1 Extended Well Test Update - Results of Penistone Flags Zone 3A Test
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce encouraging results from the pumped test carried out over the Penistone Flags Zone 3A as part of the Extended Well Test (“EWT”) at the Wressle-1 oil and gas discovery in licence PEDL180, located to the east of Scunthorpe, where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.During earlier initial testing, the Wressle-1 well produced oil and gas from three discrete reservoir intervals, the Ashover Grit, the Wingfield Flags, and the Penistone Flags as previously reported. At the end of those test operations, a completion was installed in the well to cater for a subsequent pumped EWT over the oil productive zones in the Ashover Grit (Zone 1) and the Penistone Flags (Zone 3A).Due to problems experienced with the downhole testing equipment, the pumped flow test of the Ashover Grit oil reservoir could not be undertaken first as originally planned, therefore test operations were switched to focus initially on the shallower Penistone Flags.The Penistone Flags interval was pumped for a period of time and achieved average rates over a three day period of 131 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) and 222,000 cubic feet of gas per day, together totalling 168 barrels of oil equivalent per day (“boepd”) with an average producing gas oil ratio (“GOR”) of approximately 1,700 cubic feet of gas per barrel of oil (“scf/stb”).Due to increasing gas rates the pump was then stopped and the well allowed to naturally flow to surface on a series of decreasing choke sizes from 12/64” down to 8/64” (being the smallest available). Average rates over a two day period on the 8/64” choke were 105 bopd with 465,000 cubic feet of gas per day, together totalling 182 boepd with an average producing GOR of approximately 4,450 scf/stb.During the course of this flow testing no associated formation water has been produced.The gas production rate has increased to the point where it is approaching the limits allowed under the environmental permit and as such production from the interval has now been halted. The well is now being killed ready for the next operation to be conducted, an injection test over the Penistone Flags zone 3A interval, to provide further reservoir data.On conclusion of this injection test, attention will return to resolving the operational issues and undertaking pumped oil production testing over the Ashover Grit interval.Commenting on the latest flow test result, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon Resources said:“I am pleased to report the continuing encouraging results from the Wressle-1 test programme. The hydrocarbon production rate of over 180 barrels of oil equivalent per day attained from the Penistone Flags oil zone has exceeded pre-test expectations.The production performance together with the planned injection test will provide valuable reservoir engineering data that will be used to plan for a commercial development of the Penistone Flags.We now look forward to commencing operations on the EWT programme for the Ashover Grit and will provide another update in due course.” Notes to Editors: The Wressle Oil Discovery -The Wressle Prospect was defined on proprietary 3D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in February 2012. The structure is located on trend with the producing Crosby Warren oil field and the Broughton-B1 oil discovery, both to the immediate northwest, and the Brigg-1 oil discovery to the immediate southeast. All contain oil in various different sandstone reservoirs within the Upper Carboniferous succession. The pre-drill gross mean Prospective Resources at Wressle, as calculated by Egdon, were estimated to be 2.1 million barrels of oil. This will be updated following the results of the current test operations.The Wressle-1 well reached a total depth (TD) of 2240 metres measured depth (MD) (1814 metres true vertical depth below OS datum (TVDSS)) on 23 August 2014. Elevated mud gas readings were observed over large parts of the interval from the top of the Penistone Flags reservoir target (1831.5 metres MD) to TD. The interests in the Wressle-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited 33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited 33.34%Union Jack Oil plc 8.33%The well was logged using measurement whilst drilling (MWD) logging tools run on the drill string. Petrophysical evaluation of the log data indicated the presence of potential hydrocarbon pay in three main intervals;
- Penistone Flags – up to 19.8 metres measured thickness (15.9 metres vertical thickness)
- Wingfield Flags – up to 5.64 metres measured thickness (5.1 metres vertical thickness)
- Ashover Grit – up to 6.1 metres measured thickness (5.8 metres vertical thickness)
On 9 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the successful Ashover Grit Flow Test, which recorded flow rates of 80 barrels of oil per day and 47 thousand cubic feet of gas per day during a 16 hour main flow period. No appreciable volumes of water were observed. The oil is of good quality with a gravity of 39-40° API.On 19 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the successful Wingfield Flags Flow Test, which recorded flow rates of up to 182 barrels of oil per day of good quality 39-40 API oil on free flow, along with up to 456 thousand cubic feet of gas per day.On 27 February 2015, shareholders were updated on the initial successful Penistone Flags test, which produced gas at facilities-restricted flowrates of up to 1.7 million cubic feet of gas per day with associated oil of up to 12 barrels of oil per day and no free water.On 27 March 2015, shareholders were updated on the second successful Penistone Flags test. Zone 3a in the Penistone Flags was perforated over a 7.5 metre interval and produced good quality oil with a gravity of 33o API. A total of 98.5 barrels of oil were recovered during the test (of which flow induced by swabbing operations produced 34.3 barrels of oil). This equates to a rate of approximately 77 barrels of oil per day (bopd).During the current EWT the Zone 3A perforations were produced for a total of 254hrs over a 13 day period from the 5th to 17th Jul'15. Zone 3A was initially produced by sucker rod pump and then allowed to free flow to surface after the wellbore & perforations had fully cleaned-up. Over the full 13 day period the following separator cumulative volumes were produced:- 1,127 bbl of oil, 147 bbl of kill brine and 2,790 Mscf of gas.Operations at the Wressle site will not involve the process of high volume hydraulic ‘fracturing (fracking’) for shale gas.Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and France.Egdon currently holds interests in thirty four licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 26 years' experience.Evaluation of potential recoverable hydrocarbons has been assessed in accordance with 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System prepared by the Oil and Gas Reserves Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and reviewed and jointly sponsored by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).
Farm-out of Interests in Licence PEDL005(R)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreements in respect of separate farm-outs of Licence PEDL005(Remainder) (“PEDL005(R)”) to Terrain Energy Limited (“Terrain”) and Union Jack Oil plc (“Union Jack”). The licence, located in Lincolnshire, contains the Keddington producing oil field, part of the Louth oil prospect, and the North Somercotes gas prospect.Farm-out to Terrain Under the terms of this farm-out, Terrain will earn an additional 20% interest in the Keddington oil field in return for paying 40% of the cost of a new appraisal/development well expected to be drilled in Q4 2015 as a side-track to the Keddington-4 well. Planning Consent for such a well is already in place. Terrain will not increase its existing 15% interest in the remaining parts of PEDL005(R) which contain the Louth and North Somercotes prospects.Farm-out to Union Jack Under the terms of a second farm-out, Union Jack will earn a 10% interest in Licence PEDL005(R), in return for paying 20% of the cost of the new side-track appraisal/development well at Keddington (as above) and 20% of the cost of an exploration well on the Louth prospect.As part of this transaction, Union Jack would also earn a 10% interest from Egdon in any new licence block awarded to the existing PEDL005(R) Joint Venture in the UK 14th Landward Oil and Gas Licensing Round which contains a mapped extension of the Louth prospect.Transfer of the interests is subject to regulatory approval from the Oil & Gas Authority.Interests in Licence PEDL005(R) on completion of these farm-outs will be:Keddington Field Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 45% (Operator)Terrain Energy Limited 35%Nautical Petroleum Limited 10%Union Jack Oil plc 10%PEDL005(R) Excluding KeddingtonEgdon Resources U.K. Limited 65% (Operator)Terrain Energy Limited 15%Nautical Petroleum Limited 10%Union Jack Oil plc 10%Commenting on the farm-outs, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said;“These two transactions are designed to optimise the balance of risk and reward for the Company in the exploration and development of PEDL005(R) reducing the Company’s financial exposure to these upcoming wells. In the case of Keddington. this would now see Egdon paying only 15% of the costs of the new appraisal/development well but retaining 45% of the field’s production”Keddington Oil FieldThe Keddington oil field currently produces oil and associated gas from two wells (Keddington-4 and Keddington-3Z) at rates of 30-35 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) with the wells showing natural decline.Louth ProspectAdjacent to and analogous with the Keddington oil field, the Louth conventional oil prospect is defined on reprocessed 3D seismic data and contains an Egdon-estimated gross mean Stock Tank Oil Initially in Place (“STOIIP”) of 5.5 million barrels with gross mean estimated Prospective Resources of 1.4 million barrels. The Chance of Success (“COS”) is estimated by the Company to be 37%. An exploration well to test the prospect is planned to be drilled in 2016-2017 subject to planning and other consents.North Somercotes ProspectThe North Somercotes conventional gas prospect is located within PEDL005(R) to the north of the Saltfleetby gas field and is estimated by Egdon to contain gross mean estimated Prospective Resources of 11.0 bcf of gas. COS is estimated by the Company to be 25%.The CompanyEgdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and France.Egdon currently holds interests in thirty four licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 26 years' experience.Evaluation of potential prospective resources has been assessed in accordance with 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System prepared by the Oil and Gas Reserves Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and reviewed and jointly sponsored by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).
Farm-out of PEDL143, Holmwood Prospect, Weald Basin, UK
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement in respect of a farm-out of Weald Basin, Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence PEDL143 to UK Oil & Gas Investments PLC (“UKOG”).PEDL143 contains the Holmwood Prospect, which the PEDL143 partnership plan to test with the Holmwood-1 exploration well. Regulatory consent to drill the well is currently awaiting the outcome of a planning inquiry held by the Planning Inspectorate following appeal by the license group. The operator of PEDL143 is Europa Oil & Gas Limited (“Europa”).Under the terms of the agreement, UKOG will pay a 40% share of the Holmwood-1 drilling costs in order to acquire a 20% working interest in PEDL143 from Egdon. UKOG’s share of well costs will be capped at £1.2 million net to UKOG (i.e. 40% of a gross Holmwood-1 well cost estimate of £3 million). Gross well costs above £3 million, should they arise, will be met according to the working interests in PEDL143. Egdon’s interest in the licence on completion will be 18.4%.Completion of the transaction is subject to the grant of planning consent for the Holmwood-1 well and to receipt of the necessary approval from the Oil & Gas Authority,Commenting on the transaction, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said:“We are pleased to have concluded this deal with UKOG within their core business area. The transaction means that should planning consent be granted for the well, Egdon will retain a material interest in the Holmwood Prospect whilst minimising the Company’s financial exposure and managing our technical risk while evaluating the prospect’s potentially significant prospective resource. Notes to Editors: The Holmwood Prospect: The Holmwood Prospect is one of the largest undrilled prospects in the Weald Basin and was independently assessed by Troy Ikoda in 2004 as having potential gross Best Estimate Prospective Resources of 41.5 bcf. However, the recent discovery of oil at Horse Hill-1 some 10km to the East increases the chances of oil rather than gas being present at Holmwood. A Competent Persons Report by ERC Equipoise Limited, published in June 2012 on Europa’s website (http://www.europaoil.com/documents/CPR_Europa_Final_070612.pdf) estimates that the Holmwood prospect could contain mean gross unrisked prospective resources of 5.6 million barrels of oil for the combined Portland and Corallian objectives.The original planning application for the Holmwood-1 exploration well was refused by Surrey County Council in May 2011. An initial planning appeal was dismissed by the Planning Inspectorate in September 2012. The licence group received a favourable judgment at the High Court in July 2013 quashing the Planning Inspector’s original decision and a second appeal against the initial Surrey County Council refusal of Planning Consent was heard during May and June 2015. We are currently awaiting the decision of this appeal which is anticipated later in the summer.The Company:Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) is an established UK-based exploration and production company primarily focused on onshore exploration and production in the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and France.Egdon currently holds interests in thirty four licences in the UK and France and has an active programme of exploration, appraisal and development within its balanced portfolio of oil and gas assets. Egdon is an approved operator in both the UK and France.Egdon was formed in 1997 and listed on AIM in December 2004.In accordance with the AIM Rules - Note for Mining and Oil and Gas Companies, the information contained in this announcement has been reviewed and signed off by the Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc Mark Abbott, a Geoscientist with over 26 years' experience.Evaluation of potential prospective resources has been assessed in accordance with 2007 Petroleum Resources Management System prepared by the Oil and Gas Reserves Committee of the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) and reviewed and jointly sponsored by the World Petroleum Council (WPC), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) and the Society of Petroleum Evaluation Engineers (SPEE).
Farm-out of Further Interest in PEDL253
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement in respect of a further farm-out of Licence PEDL253 to Union Jack Oil plc (“Union Jack”). Union Jack originally farmed-in to the licence in March 2013.Under the terms of this new farm-out, Union Jack will earn an additional 1.2 % interest in PEDL253 from Egdon in return for paying 2.4% of the costs of the planned Biscathorpe-2 exploration well. Union Jack has also agreed terms with Montrose Industries Limited to earn a further 0.8% interest in PEDL253 in return for paying 1.6% of the well costs.On completion of these new farm-outs the interests in PEDL253 will be:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 52.8% (Operator)Montrose Industries Limited 35.2%Union Jack Oil plc 12.0%As previously announced, Planning Consent was awarded for the Biscathorpe-2 well in March 2015. Under the terms of the farm-out agreements, Egdon’s share of the well costs will now be reduced to 45.6% as a result of Union Jack carrying in total 7.2% of the costs for Egdon. The transfer of interests is subject to approval by the Oil and Gas Authority.The Biscathorpe Prospect is located approximately 15 kilometres to the west of the Keddington oil field and 36 kilometres to the south-east of the Wressle-1 discovery currently being tested by Egdon. It is defined on 3D seismic data and was previously explored by BP in 1987 with the Biscathorpe-1 well drilled in a structurally crestal location. That well penetrated a thin basal sandstone unit which is interpreted to have been oil bearing but was not tested. The sand unit is expected to thicken down-dip from the crest of the structure and there is also potential for stratigraphic trapping to the west which could increase the expected gross prospective resources as assessed by Egdon from a Best Estimate case of 14 mmbo up to a High case of 41 mmbo.Commenting on this latest farm-out, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon Resources plc, said ;“While this is only a relatively small scale additional farm-out, we are encouraged by Union Jack’s continued confidence in the prospectivity of the Biscathorpe structure, which we plan to test later in 2015 with the Biscathorpe-2 well.”
Wressle-1 Commencement of Extended Well Test
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the commencement of an Extended Well Test (“EWT”) at the Wressle-1 oil and gas discovery in licence PEDL180, located to the east of Scunthorpe, where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.During initial testing, the Wressle-1 well produced oil and gas from three discrete reservoir intervals, the Ashover Grit, the Wingfield Flags, and the Penistone Flags as previously reported. At the end of those test operations, a completion was installed in the well to cater for a subsequent pumped EWT over the oil productive zones in the Ashover Grit and the Penistone Flags.Surface facilities and other equipment required for the EWT including a beam pump (“nodding donkey”), down-hole pump, and pump rods have now been installed.The EWT will focus first on the Ashover Grit , which will be tested for up to 28 days to determine production rates under pumped conditions. During February this zone flowed 80 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) and 47 thousand cubic feet of gas per day during a 16 hour main flow period. The oil is of good quality with a gravity of 39-40° API.The Ashover Grit will then be isolated and the oil leg in the Penistone Flags tested for up to 28 days, again to determine production rates under pumped conditionsWe will inform shareholders of progress at key points during the EWT, with the first update anticipated to be the results of the pumped testing of of the Ashover Grit.Commenting on the commencement of the EWT at Wressle, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said;“The earlier testing of the Wressle-1 discovery in Q1 2015 was very successful with combined production rates of 710 barrels of oil equivalent per day from the four zones tested.We now look forward to the results of this EWT programme which will provide further valuable information on the Ashover Grit and Penistone Flags reservoirs and enable us to determine commerciality and optimise potential field development and monetisation options for the Wressle discovery.”
PEDL241 - Acquisition of Additional Interest
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement with Celtique Energie Petroleum Ltd. (“Celtique”) to acquire an additional 40% interest in Lincolnshire Licence PEDL241 for a nominal consideration.Under the terms of the agreement, Egdon will increase its interest in the licence from 40% to 80%. PEDL241 contains the North Kelsey Prospect which is located approximately 10 kilometres to the south of the Wressle-1 discovery well in PEDL180. The prospect is defined on 3D seismic data and has potential for up to four stacked conventional reservoir intervals in the Chatsworth, Beacon Hill, Raventhorpe and Santon sandstones. The estimate of gross mean combined Prospective Resources for these multiple objectives, as calculated by Egdon is 6.7 million barrels of oil. Planning Consent was received for the North Kelsey-1 well in December 2014. Timing of well operations is restricted by planning conditions and as such it is now anticipated that they will commence during Q1 2016.The transfer of interest is subject to approval by the Oil and Gas Authority.Following completion of this transaction (and a separate transaction between Union Jack Oil plc and Celtique) the interests in PEDL241 and the planned North Kelsey-1 well will be:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 80% (Operator)Union Jack Oil plc 20%Under the terms of a farm-in agreement with Union Jack plc, Egdon will be carried by Union Jack for 10% of the North Kelsey-1 well costs.
Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 31 January 2015
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR), the UK-based exploration and production company with a primary focus on the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the onshore UK, today announces its unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 January 2015.Overview and Highlights Operational and Corporate Highlights
- Production of 27,232 barrels of oil equivalent (“boe”) equating to 148 barrels of oil equivalent per day (“boepd”) (H1 2014: 35,773 boe; 194 boepd)
- Revised full year production guidance of 180 boepd
- Successful drilling and testing of the Wressle-1 oil and gas discovery in Lincolnshire which produced hydrocarbons from four test intervals
- Strong project pipeline developed including planning permission secured at North Kelsey and Biscathorpe
- Ongoing development of licence portfolio with conventional and unconventional resource potential via the acquisition of Yorkshire Exploration Limited (PEDL068) and exercise of the option with Scottish Power to farm in to PL161 and PL162
- Disposal of interests in two non-core licences in Southern England, PEDL126 and P.1916
- Submission of applications in the 14th UK Onshore Licensing Round
Financial Highlights
- Oil and gas revenues during the period of £0.91 million (H1 2014: £1.41 million)
- Loss for the period of £1.74 million including losses on disposals/farm-outs and impairments in relation to Waddock Cross, Burton on the Wolds and Kiln Lane (H1 2014: profit of £0.83 million including gains on a farm-out).
- Net current assets as at 31 January 2015 of £9.15 million (H1 2014: £2.04 million) and cash at bank as at 31 January 2015 of £6.51 million (H1 2014: £1.17 million)
- Strong balance sheet to deliver on work programme and strategy
Commenting on the results, Philip Stephens, Chairman of Egdon said: “The Company has continued to make good progress on implementing its strategy against a backdrop of reduced oil prices. The Wressle oil and gas discovery has been successfully drilled and tested at rates exceeding 700 boepd combined from four intervals. We are now working towards the early development of this discovery and expect Wressle to add to our existing production and revenues. We have continued the development of our Northern England unconventional resource exploration portfolio, with the exercise of our option on PL161 and PL162 and ongoing detailed assessment of the acreage acquired from Alkane Energy. We have seen a further high value farm-out deal between IGas and INEOS in recent weeks and Egdon continues to review the best timing to introduce a suitable funding partner into our high quality unconventional resource acreage. We anticipate undertaking further drilling for conventional resources in the coming period on the back of successful planning applications, and, subject to receipt of all necessary consents, participation in the first exploration well for unconventional resources in the Gainsborough Trough. Our strong balance sheet leaves us well positioned to enable us to deliver on our forthcoming work programme and strategy.”View or Download Interim Results Press Release
Notification of Results
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that its Interim Results for the six months ended 31 January 2015 will be released on Tuesday, 21 April 2015.
An analyst briefing will be held at 9.30am on 21 April 2015 at the offices of Buchanan, 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN.
Update on Wressle-1 Well Testing - Results of Second Penistone Flags Flow Test and Forward Programme
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the results of the second Penistone Flags flow test at the Wressle-1 oil and gas discovery in licence PEDL180 located to the East of Scunthorpe, where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.Zone 3a in the Penistone Flags was perforated over a 7.5 metre interval and has produced good quality oil with a gravity of 33o API. A total of 98.5 barrels of oil were recovered during the test (of which flow induced by swabbing operations produced 34.3 barrels of oil). This equates to approximately 77 barrels of oil per day (bopd).To date, the Wressle-1 well has flowed oil and gas from three separate reservoirs, the Ashover Grit, the Wingfield Flags and the Penistone Flags. The flow test result from Zone 3a has confirmed the presence of an oil column below the gas leg in Zone 3 of the Penistone Flags.The downhole pressure and oil sample data from all tests will now be interpreted and integrated into an updated field model to inform future development planning. The next steps in evaluating the discovery will be to undertake a pumped extended well test (EWT) of the Ashover Grit and Penistone Flags oil intervals to quantify the production levels that could be attained during production.Commenting on the test results and the planned forward programme at Wressle, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said;“The results from Wressle continue to be very positive. The latest test has confirmed the presence of an oil column below the gas zone in the Penistone Flags, albeit in tighter sandstones. To date the well has successfully flowed hydrocarbons from four discrete intervals, with the Penistone Flags delivering a facilities restrictedgas flowrate of 1.7 mmcfd, plus an aggregate 89 bopd; free-flowing rates of up to 182 bopd and 0.46 mmcfd from the Wingfield Flags and 80 bopd from the Ashover Grit. This totals 710 barrels of oil equivalent per day from all zones.We are now planning a pumped EWT to validate the optimised production potential that could be obtained from the Wressle discovery. We will now focus on integration and interpretation of the engineering and geotechnical data that will provide the information needed to quantify the resource volumes and optimise the field development and monetisation options. The EWT is planned to commence in mid May with operations expected to continue for up to two months.”
Completion of drilling operations at the Kiln Lane-1 Exploration Well on PEDL181
Completion of drilling operations at the Kiln Lane-1 Exploration Well on PEDL181Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) notes that Europa Oil and Gas plc ("Europa") has today announced the completion of drilling operations at the Kiln Lane-1 Exploration Well on PEDL181 where Egdon holds a 25.0 per cent interest.Europa’s RNS contained the following information:“Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc, the AIM quoted oil and gas company with a combination of producing and exploration assets in Europe, announces the completion of drilling operations at the Kiln Lane-1 conventional exploration well (‘Kiln Lane’ or ‘the Well’) on Licence PEDL 181 in Northeast Lincolnshire. The Well spudded on 23 February 2015 and reached a total depth (‘TD’) of 2,291 metres on 19 March. Sandstones in the Westphalian and Namurian intervals were penetrated in line with the pre-drill geological model and significant oil and gas shows were observed during drilling operations. However, wireline logging and subsequent petrophysical analysis indicates that the sandstones encountered are water wet. The Well will therefore be plugged and abandoned and the site restored to agricultural use.Europa is operator of and has a 50% working interest in PEDL 181, which covers an area of over 540 km2 in the East Midlands Petroleum Province. Egdon Resources and Celtique Energie Petroleum Ltd each have a 25% interest in the Licence. Europa and its partners will conduct a detailed post-drill technical review of all relevant well and seismic data to determine the way forward with this large exploration licence.Europa’s CEO, Hugh Mackay said, “While we are disappointed with the outcome, Kiln Lane was drilled on schedule, on budget and safely. This is testament to the performance of both our own technical team and the engineering crew on the ground. Kiln Lane was the first well to be drilled on this large licence where multiple leads have been identified. The presence of hydrocarbon shows is encouraging and the quality of data recovered will enable clear decision making going forwards. Over the coming weeks and months more technical work will be conducted on all the data and geological samples recovered from the well as we refine our hydrocarbon system model and plan our next steps for the Licence.”
Planning Permission granted for Biscathorpe-2 Exploration Well
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to advise that at today's Planning and Regulation Committee Meeting of Lincolnshire County Council, planning consent was granted for the drilling and any subsequent testing of the Biscathorpe-2 exploration well in Lincolnshire licence PEDL253.
The Biscathorpe Prospect is located on farmland to the west of the hamlet of Biscathorpe, approximately 15 kilometres to the west of the Keddington oil field and approximately 36 kilometres to the south-east of the Wressle-1 discovery currently being tested by Egdon in PEDL180.
The Biscathorpe Prospect is a large anticlinal structure mapped on reprocessed 3D seismic data. Oil was discovered but not tested in a thin Basal Westphalian/Namurian Sandstone unit in the Biscathorpe-1 well drilled by BP in 1987 on the crest of the structure. The sand unit is predicted to thicken away from the crest of the structure and there is also potential for stratigraphic trapping in the west which if present could increase the expected total prospective reserves from an Egdon assessed Best Estimate case of 14 mmbls up to a High case of 41 mmbls. The same sand unit is the producing reservoir in the Egdon operated Keddington oil field.
We will review the planning conditions and advise in due course on the final timing of the well.
For clarity, operations at this site will not - either now or in the future - involve the process of hydraulic 'fracking' for shale gas.
The interests in the Biscathorpe-2 well are:
Egdon Resources U.K. Limited 54% (Operator)
Montrose Industries Limited 36%
Union Jack Oil plc 10%
Under the terms of a farm-in agreement, Egdon will be carried by Union Jack plc for 6% of the Biscathorpe-2 well costs making its paying interest 48%.
Commenting on the planning decision Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
"We are delighted to receive planning consent for the drilling of the Biscathorpe-2 exploration well. The well will expose Egdon to significant resource potential and we will now work through the various planning conditions to be in a position to drill the Biscathorpe-2 well later in 2015. During the current challenging low oil price environment for our industry, the low capital, development and operating costs of onshore UK operations means that prospects like Biscathorpe remain commercially attractive.
We recognise the sensitivity of the area in which we will be operating and will, as always endeavour to ensure our operations are undertaken in such a way as to minimise our impact on the environment and without any disruption to our neighbours."
Update on Wressle-1 Well Testing - Results of Penistone Flags Flow Test and Forward Programme
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to provide a further update on the ongoing well test operations at the Wressle-1 oil and gas discovery in licence PEDL180 located to the East of Scunthorpe, where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.Test operations have now been completed on the first set of perforations in Penistone Flags reservoir (“the Penistone”), the last of three hydrocarbon bearing zones identified in the well.The Penistone test produced gas at restricted flowrates of up to 1.7 million cubic feet of gas per day (“mmcfd”) with associated oil of up to 12 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) and no free water from a 9 metre perforated zone at the top of the formation. Gas flow rates were constrained by the equipment and flaring limits imposed by the environmental permit. The gas and oil are of good quality with the oil having a gravity of 35o API. The downhole pressure data recorded during the testing will now be analysed to estimate the gas flow rates that could be achieved under production, unconstrained by the flare and permit restrictions.A further test will now be undertaken to evaluate the gas-oil and oil-water contacts in the Penistone by perforating the formation deeper in the section. Following this it is intended to isolate the Penistone and Wingfield Flags perforations to enable a longer term pumped production test of the Ashover Grit to be undertaken to further “clean-up” the formation and determine the potential pumped production rate for this formation. All of the data gathered from the test operations will be integrated into a full evaluation of the Wressle discovery to enable an updated resource assessment and to inform the options for field development. We will provide shareholders with updates as work on monetising Wressle progresses.Commenting on the test results and the planned forward programme at Wressle, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said;“We are very encouraged by the early test results from the Wressle-oil and gas discovery. All three zones tested have produced hydrocarbons to surface, with a restrictedflowrate of 1.7 mmcfd from the Penistone Flags, free-flowing rates of up to 182 bopd and 0.46 mmcfd from the Wingfield Flags and 80 bopd from the Ashover Grit. We now look forward to the results of our work to identify the location of the expected oil leg in the Penistone and to seeing what oil rates can be achieved with pumping of the Ashover Grit. We will now be working hard to integrate these test results into our models of the Wressle discovery to enable us to update our resource assessment and to plan for the development of the field where we will look to maximise value from both the oil and gas. "
Commencement of Drilling Operations at Kiln Lane-1 (PEDL181)
Egdon Resources plc (LSE: EDR) notes that Europa Oil and Gas plc ("Europa") has today announced the commencement of drilling operations at the Kiln Lane-1 Exploration Well on PEDL181 where Egdon holds a 25.0 per cent interest.Europa’s RNS contained the following information:“Europa Oil & Gas (Holdings) plc, the AIM quoted oil and gas exploration and development company with a combination of producing and exploration assets in Europe, is pleased to announce its Kiln Lane -1 conventional exploration well (‘Kiln Lane’) on Licence PEDL 181 in Northeast Lincolnshire spudded at 7:06 hours on 23rd February 2015. The Company estimates Kiln Lane has mean gross un-risked recoverable resources of 2.9 million barrels of oil. Europa is operator of and has a 50% working interest in PEDL 181, which covers an area of over 540 km2 in the East Midlands Petroleum Province. Egdon Resources and Celtique Energie Petroleum Ltd each have a 25% interest in the Licence.The planned well will be drilled as a straight hole to a total depth of approximately 2,500 metres. Europa anticipates drilling operations will take 36 days. The Kiln Lane prospect is a robust structural closure defined on 3-D seismic data and the well has been designed to intersect a number of prospective Upper Carboniferous age sandstone reservoirs in a structurally favourable position near the crest of the structure. Kiln Lane is located some 25 km east of both Europa’s Crosby Warren field, which has been producing oil for almost 28 years, and the recent Egdon-operated Wressle-1 oil discovery in PEDL 180 in which Europa has a 33.3% interest. The prospect is a typical East Midlands Petroleum Province oil play but in a comparatively underexplored part of the basin.In the event of exploration success Europa will suspend the well and return with a dedicated test rig for production testing operations in a similar fashion to the current testing operations at Wressle. Should production testing prove successful we will follow up with an extended well test with the intention of obtaining more detailed reservoir performance information to enable fast track development. Success at Kiln Lane also has the potential to substantially de-risk a number of other exploration leads in the licence area for possible follow-up drilling. Kiln Lane is a conventional exploration well targeting oil in Upper Carboniferous sandstone reservoirs. It is not a shale gas well and therefore operations at the site will not involve hydraulic fracturing.Europa’s CEO, Hugh Mackay said, “"We are delighted to commence operations on the Kiln Kane conventional oil prospect and we look forward to updating shareholders with the results from this well towards the end of March. I wish to thank our geoscience, operations and permitting teams all of whom have delivered excellent performance and have brought the well to spud on schedule against a tight timeframe. We are encouraged by the recent discovery of oil at the neighbouring Wressle well and we hope that Kiln Lane will be similarly successful and provide another opportunity to build on our existing oil production and revenues from conventional oil fields in the East Midlands Petroleum Province."
Update on Wressle-1 Well Testing - Results of Wingfield Flags Flow Test
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to provide a further update on the ongoing well test operations at the Wressle-1 oil discovery in licence PEDL180 located to the East of Scunthorpe, where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.Test operations have now been completed on the Wingfield Flags reservoir, the second of three potentially hydrocarbon bearing zones identified in the well. Oil production rates equivalent of up to 182 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) of good quality 39-40 API oil were achieved on free flow, along with up to 456 thousand cubic feet of gas per day.The final zone will now be tested, but it is already intended to undertake a longer term pumped production test to determine how best the field can be developed.Details of the TestingTest operations have now been completed on the Wingfield Flags reservoir, the second of three potentially hydrocarbon bearing zones identified in the well. An interval of three metres was perforated (1,937 to 1,940 metres measured depth) and following an initial “clean-up” oil and gas flow, two flow tests were carried out using different choke sizes to attempt to optimise oil flowrates - from what proved to be a high Gas Oil Ratio (GOR) oil during the clean-up period:
- During the initial free flowing test using a 16/64” choke, oil production rates equivalent to 116 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) were achieved during a four hour main flow period along with 341 thousand cubic feet of gas per day. No appreciable volumes of water were observed.
- During the second free flowing test using a wider 32/64” choke, oil production rates equivalent to 182 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) were achieved during a five hour main flow period along with 456 thousand cubic feet of gas per day. Again no appreciable volumes of water were observed.
- The oil is of good quality with a gravity of 39-40o
Down-hole pressure data, recorded during the main flow and subsequent shut-in build-up period, will now be analysed to evaluate the nature of the reservoir permeability to determine the increased production rates that could be achieved during pumped production.The Wingfield Flags interval will now be isolated with a bridge-plug and test operations will continue on the final zone, the Penistone Flags, where hydrocarbons are indicated from log data and gas chromatograph analysis. We will provide further updates as and when results are known from this interval.Given the encouraging free-flow test results from the Ashover Grit and Wingfield Flags it is intended to undertake a longer term pumped production test subsequent to the completion of current test programme.Commenting on the Wingfield Flags flow test results, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said;“These are very encouraging results, with free-flowing rates of up to 182 bopd from the Wingfield Flags and 80 bopd from the Ashover Grit zone tested last week. We now look forward to flow testing the final interval the Penistone Flags which could add further substantial production potential to that achieved from the Wingfield Flags and the Ashover Grit. We are progressing with plans for an extended well test to provide an assessment of longer term production performance under pumped conditions, to confirm commerciality and provide the data required in planning for the development of the Wressle oil and gas discovery. As previously stated the low capital and operating cost of UK onshore developments make developments such as Wressle commercially attractive even in today's lower oil price environment. We look forward to updating shareholders further following the Penistone Flags test."
Update on Wressle-1 Well Testing - Results of Ashover Grit Flow Test
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to provide an update on the ongoing well test operations at the Wressle-1 oil discovery in licence PEDL180 located to the East of Scunthorpe, where Egdon operates with a 25% interest.Test operations have now been completed on the Ashover Grit reservoir, the first of three potentially hydrocarbon bearing zones identified in the well. An interval of 9.5 metres was perforated (2006.1 to 2015.6 metres measured depth) and following an initial “clean-up” flow, free flowing oil production rates equivalent to 80 barrels of oil per day (“bopd”) were achieved during a 16 hour main flow period along with 47 thousand cubic feet of gas per day. No appreciable volumes of water were observed. The oil is of good quality with a gravity of 39-40o API.Down-hole pressure data, recorded during the main flow and subsequent shut-in build-up period, will now be analysed to evaluate the nature of the reservoir permeability to determine the increased production rates that could be achieved during pumped production.The Ashover Grit interval will now be isolated with a bridge-plug and test operations will continue on two further discrete zones, the Wingfield Flags and Penistone Flags, where hydrocarbons are indicated from log data and gas chromatograph analysis. We will provide further updates as and when results are known from these intervals.Given the encouraging free-flow test results from the Ashover Grit it is intended to undertake a longer term pumped production test subsequent to the current test programme being completed.Commenting on the Ashover Grit flow test results, Mark Abbott Managing Director of Egdon Resources said;“These are very encouraging results, with free-flowing rates of 80 bopd of good quality oil from the first zone tested. We now look forward to the results from two further intervals which could add further substantial production potential to that demonstrated from the Ashover Grit. During this period of reduced oil prices, the low development and operating costs of onshore UK production means that discoveries such as Wressle remain commercially attractive and we look forward to progressing plans for a longer term pumped production test on the Ashover Grit and any of the other zones which show potential.”
Sale of Licence Interests to UK Oil & Gas Investments PLC
Egdon Resources plc (AIM: EDR, “the Company”) is pleased to announce that the Company has agreed the sale of its interests in two non-core licences in Southern England to UK Oil & Gas Investments PLC (AIM: UKOG, “UKOG”).Subject to the normal regulatory approvals, UKOG will acquire Egdon’s 7.5% interest in licence P.1916 offshore the Isle of Wight and the Company’s 10.0% interest in Weald Basin licence PEDL126 each for a nominal consideration, with the effective date of each transaction being 1 January 2015.Commenting on these disposals, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased to have completed the disposal of these two minority interest, non-core assets in line with our stated strategy of concentrating our resources on fewer, higher impact projects.“
Commencement of Production - Waddock Cross (PL090)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the commencement of production from the Waddock Cross oil field in UK Onshore Production Licence PL090, located in Dorset around 10 kilometres to the east of Dorchester.Waddock Cross is mapped by Egdon as containing mean in-place volumes of over 30 million barrels of oil in the Lower Jurassic Bridport Sandstone reservoir. Initial production will be from the Waddock Cross-2 well which has had larger production tubing and a higher capacity pump installed and is expected to produce at gross rates of around 30 barrels of oil per day. The plan for the first phase of the development thereafter is to restore production from the Waddock Cross-3 horizontal well and to drill two further horizontal producer wells by 2015. Egdon estimate gross Proven and Probable Reserves for the field for this initial phase to be about 300,000 barrels of oil.The interests in the Waddock Cross oil field are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited45.00% (Operator)First Oil Expro Limited26.25%Aurora Exploration (UK) Limited18.75%Dorset Exploration Limited (wholly owned by Egdon)10.00%Commenting on the start of production Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased to have completed site works and to have obtained the required consents within our expected timeline and we now look forward to increasing ongoing production and revenues as we continue to progress the phased development of the Waddock Cross oil field over the coming years.”
Planning Approval for Burton on the Wolds (PEDL201)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has been notified by Leicestershire County Council that Planning Consent has been granted for the drilling of an exploratory borehole on the Burton on the Wolds Prospect in UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Licence PEDL201, located on the southern margin of the Widmerpool Gulf geological basin.The Burton on the Wolds Prospect has been mapped on proprietary 2D seismic data which was acquired by Egdon in May 2011. Evaluation has highlighted a conventional oil prospect with targets at two distinct Carboniferous stratigraphic levels. The shallower target, the Rempstone Sandstone, is productive at the nearby Rempstone oil field. A seismic anomaly, possibly indicative of a carbonate reef, underlies the Rempstone Sandstone and provides a deeper secondary target. The mean combined Prospective Resources for the two target objectives, as calculated by Egdon are estimated to be 3.8 million barrels of oil.The planned vertical well will be relatively shallow with a drilled depth of around 1000 metres. It has been designed to intersect both targets in a structurally favourable position near the crest of the Burton on the Wolds structure.The interests in Licence PEDL201 are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited32.50% (operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited32.50%Terrain Energy Limited12.50%Corfe Energy Limited12.50%Union Jack Oil plc10.00%As a result of a series of farm-outs announced on 20 February 2012 and 19 February 2013, Egdon’s net share of the cost of the Burton on the Wolds-1 well will be 15%.Commenting on the approval Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased that Leicestershire County Council has approved our application for the drilling of the Burton on the Wolds-1 exploration well and we can now look forward to the commencement of drilling operations later in 2013. The prospect combines a lower risk reservoir target offsetting nearby production with a higher risk, higher potential play which is at present untested in the basin.”
Favourable Holmwood High Court Decision
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the release made today by Europa Oil and Gas (Holdings) plc (“Europa”) announcing the successful result of a High Court challenge in relation to the drilling of an exploratory well at the Holmwood prospect ("Holmwood") in Weald Basin licence PEDL143 located in Surrey, where the Company holds a 38.4% interest.Egdon regards this judgement as a positive outcome and will now consider the next steps forward regarding PEDL143 with the joint venture partners, Europa (operator, 40%), Warwick Energy (20%) and Altwood Petroleum (1.6%). This judgment means that the Inspector’s decision is quashed and the appeal will be remitted to the Planning Inspectorate for redetermination, which may involve a further planning Inquiry, for the exploratory drill site at Holmwood.As announced by Europa on 1 November 2012, the PEDL143 joint venture partners applied for an order to quash the decision of the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government’s appointed Inspector to dismiss their appeal against Surrey County Council’s refusal to grant planning permission to drill one exploratory borehole and undertake a short term test for hydrocarbons at the Holmwood prospect drill-site.The judge, Mr Justice Ouseley, gave judgement in favour of quashing the Inspector’s decision at 3pm on 25 July 2013 in the Royal Courts of Justice. The judge granted the Leith Hill Action Group leave to appeal, to the Court of Appeal, against his judgment.
Union Jack Oil plc AIM Admission Document
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the announcement made today by Union Jack Oil plc (“Union Jack”) regarding the posting of its AIM Admission Document to shareholders.In today’s announcement Union Jack state with respect to various agreements with Egdon which were previously announced on 5 March and 14 May 2013:
- The Union Jack Board does not intend to exercise its option to acquire an interest in Wessex Basin Licences PL090 and PEDL237. This option will expire on 31st July 2013 under the terms of the Sales & Purchase Agreement with Dorset Exploration Limited (“Dorset”), the 100% owned subsidiary of Egdon. The £20,000 deposit paid by Union Jack under the terms of the Agreement will be retained by Dorset.
- The Union Jack Board does not intend to exercise options to acquire from Egdon an additional 5% interest in East Midlands Licence PEDL241 (North Kelsey) or a 10% interest in East Midlands Licence PEDL005R (North Somercotes). These options will expire on 31st July 2013 under the terms of the Letter of Intent Agreement between Egdon and Union Jack.
- Egdon and Union Jack have entered into new Agreements providing Union Jack with the option to withdraw from its obligations under Farm-out Agreements for East Midlands Licences PEDL241 (North Kelsey) and PEDL253 (Biscathorpe). If Union Jack elects to exercise the withdrawal option(s), it will pay a fee of £5,000 for each (£5,000 and £3,000 respectively net to Egdon) and its interest in the respective Licence(s) will be terminated.Commenting on Union Jack’s announcement, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:“It is obviously disappointing to Egdon that Union Jack is not in a position at this time to exercise the options with respect to either the purchase of interests in the Wessex Basin or certain farm-outs in the East Midlands. However, Egdon will now retain a 55% interest in the Waddock Cross oil field where planning consent has recently been received and we look forward to updating shareholders of commencement of production and revenues from the field in the next few months.”
Planning Approval for Laughton-1 Exploration Well (PEDL209)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that Lincolnshire County Council has granted Planning Consent for the drilling of an exploratory borehole on the Laughton Prospect in UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Licence PEDL209, located between the towns of Gainsborough and Scunthorpe in the East Midlands Petroleum Province.The Laughton-1 well will target a structural trap defined on 2D seismic data. The prospect has multiple conventional Carboniferous sandstone reservoir targets with the primary objective being the Silkstone Rock, an approximately 15 metres thick sandstone interval which is productive in the Corringham oil field 5 kilometres to the South East. Egdon currently estimate gross Best Estimate Prospective Resources of around 1 million barrels of oil for the Silkstone Rock in the Laughton Prospect.Under the terms of a Farm-in Agreement Egdon will earn a 60% interest in the Licence in return for paying 100% of the cost of the Laughton-1 exploration well which is estimated at around £1.3 million. Egdon expects to drill the well during 2014 as part of a planned East Midlands exploration drilling programme which, subject to planning, could include wells on the North Kelsey and Biscathorpe prospects.The Licence Interests in PEDL209 at completion of the farm-in will be;Egdon Resources U.K. Limited (Operator)60%Blackland Park Exploration Limited28%Stelinmatvic Industries Limited12%Commenting on the approval Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased that Lincolnshire County Council has approved the application for the drilling of the Laughton-1 exploration well and we will now work to satisfy the various planning and permitting conditions to be in a position to drill this well during 2014.”
Comment on Recent Shale Gas Developments
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) note the recent publication of a number of government initiatives and reports in relation to shale gas and the wider onshore UK oil and gas industry.Commenting on the implications of these for Egdon, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said;
"The release by the Department of Energy and Climate Change of the British Geological Survey ("BGS") report (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/bowland-shale-gas-study) on estimated gas in place in the Bowland-Hodder unit of Central England has confirmed the significant potential of this play. Of particular relevance to Egdon, the report includes estimates of gas in place for the lower Bowland-Hodder unit ("Lower Bowland") which, although carrying higher uncertainty due to the current limited number of well penetrations, is evaluated as having potential gas in place volumes of around four times those estimated for the upper Bowland-Hodder unit ("Upper Bowland").Egdon have long recognised that the Lower Bowland sequence in the Gainsborough Trough could be in excess of 1500 metres in thickness and the BGS report shows most of Egdons licences, PEDL139, PEDL140 and PEDL209, as being located within the area of gas mature Lower Bowland. This highlights the possibility of further significant gas in place in the licences in addition to that already evaluated by RPS Energy for the approximately 125 metre thick Upper Bowland sequence (see Note 1). Whilst it is premature to assign resources to the Lower Bowland in these licences the planned exploration well in PEDL139/140 will gather information from the Lower Bowland sequence to enable its potential to be more fully defined. The BGS report also highlights additional shale gas potential in certain parts of Egdons PEDL201 and PEDL130 licences. We are highly encouraged by the content of the report and continue to undertake our own detailed evaluation of the shale gas potential of these and other licences and of the potential for shale oil elsewhere in our existing portfolio with the expectation of upgrading our resource estimates in due course.As an active member, Egdon welcome and endorse the publication by the UK Onshore Operators Group ("UKOOG", http://www.ukoog.org.uk/) of a binding industry charter for members covering the minimum required standards of engagement with local communities alongside a community benefits scheme designed for the next phase of shale oil and shale gas exploration and production.The Company is encouraged by the Governments commitment to publish in July 2013 a package of measures designed to "kick-start" the shale gas industry in the UK. The publication by the Department for Communities and Local Government of planning guidance for onshore oil and gas (including shale gas) should provide a clear framework for how such developments should proceed through the planning system. We also look forward to the outcome of the consultation on a "pad allowance" in relation to taxation for shale gas which should provide clarity on the fiscal regime and we welcome the commitment of the Environment Agency to streamline and simplify environmental regulation of onshore oil and gas activities."
Note 1 - RPS Energy ("RPS") evaluated the potential shale gas resources in Egdons licences PEDL139 and PEDL140 (the "Licences") which are located in Lincolnshire and where the Company holds 13.5% interests.The Licences are located in the Gainsborough Trough geological basin and contain a 125 metre thick sequence of Carboniferous age Pendleian Shale at a depth of over 2000 metres. The Pendleian Shale is the approximate age equivalent of the upper Bowland-Hodder unit as defined in the recent BGS report. RPS estimated the mean net Egdon total gas in place ("GIIP") as 1.76 trillion cubic feet of gas ("tcf") within the Licences. A review of the surface and sub-surface access constraints in the area has resulted in an estimated mean net Egdon Accessible GIIP of 1.22 tcf. The net Egdon mean Prospective Resources are estimated as 0.19 tcf based on recovery rates in analogous US plays. Please use the following link for the full press release in relation to this assessment:PEDL139_and_140_Shale-Gas_Resources_Assessment
Planning Approval for Waddock Cross Development (PL090)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that Dorset County Council has granted planning permission for the development of the Waddock Cross oil field in onshore Production Licence PL090, located around 10 kilometres to the east of the town of Dorchester.The detailed planning consent allows for the retention of the existing site for a period of ten years for oil production from the two existing wells, and the drilling of a sidetrack and two new boreholes for further appraisal of the field and production of oil.An Environmental Permit has also been granted for the site by the Environment Agency.Subject to satisfaction of the planning conditions and approval of the Field Development Plan by the Department of Energy and Climate Change, it is anticipated that production will commence during the third quarter of 2013 at initial gross rates of around 30-40 barrels of oil per day. Waddock Cross is mapped by Egdon as containing mean in-place volumes of over 30 million barrels of oil in the Lower Jurassic age Bridport Sandstone. The plan for the first phase of the development is to drill two further horizontal producer wells by 2015. Egdon estimate gross Proven and Probable Reserves for the field for this initial phase to be about 300,000 barrels of oil.The interests in the Waddock Cross oil field are currently:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited45.00% (Operator)First Oil Expro Limited26.25%Aurora Exploration Limited18.75%Dorset Exploration Limited10.00%Union Jack plc holds an option to purchase the 10% interest in PL090 (including Waddock Cross) and the neighbouring licence PEDL237 currently held by Dorset Exploration Limited (a wholly owned subsidiary of Egdon) for a cash consideration of £560,000. This option is exercisable until 31 July 2013.Commenting on the approval Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are delighted by the award of planning consent, which is a key step in progressing to the first commercial production from our Dorset licences and a new source of revenue for Egdon. We look forward to advising shareholders of first oil from the field which is expected before the end of September.”
Planning Approval for Wressle-1 (PEDL180)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has been notified by North Lincolnshire Council that Planning Consent has been granted for the drilling of an exploratory borehole on the Wressle Prospect in UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Production Licence PEDL180, located to the east of Scunthorpe.The Wressle Prospect is defined on proprietary 3D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in February 2012. The Prospect is located on trend with the producing Crosby Warren oil field and the Broughton-B1 oil discovery, both to the immediate northwest, and the Brigg-1 oil discovery to the immediate southeast. These contain oil in multiple Upper Carboniferous sandstone reservoirs. The gross most likely Prospective Resources(Note 1) at Wressle, as calculated by Egdon, are estimated to be 2.1 million barrels of oil.The planned well will be drilled as a deviated well to a total depth of about 2300 metres (ca. 1850 metres TVDSS (Note 2)) with a maximum offset of approximately 1250 metres. It has been designed to intersect all of the prospective sandstone reservoirs in a structurally favourable position near the crest of the Wressle structure.The interests in the Wressle-1 well are:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited33.34%Union Jack Oil plc8.33%Under the terms of a Farm-Out Agreement, as previously announced, Union Jack Oil plc will pay an additional 8.33% out of Egdon’s share of the cost of the well so reducing Egdon’s net share of the cost to 16.67%.Commenting on the approval Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased that North Lincolnshire Council has approved our application for the drilling of the Wressle-1 exploration well and we can now look forward to the commencement of drilling operations later in 2013.”
(Note 1) Prospective Resources are those quantities of petroleum which are estimated, on a given date, to be potentially recoverable from undiscovered accumulations.(Note 2) TVDSS means True Vertical Depth Sub-Sea which is the vertical depth measured relative to a datum of mean sea level.
Farm-in Agreed for PEDL209
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has agreed terms with Blackland Park Exploration Limited (“Blackland Park”) and Stelinmatvic Industries Limited (“Stelinmatvic”) for a farm-in to UK Onshore Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence PEDL209 (“the Licence”) located in Lincolnshire. Under the terms of the Farm-in Agreement Egdon will earn a 60% interest in the Licence in return for paying 100% of the cost of the planned Laughton-1 exploration well to the point of completion of the well for testing or, in the case that the well is a dry hole, abandonment and restoration of the site. Egdon will also assume operatorship of PEDL209.The Licence Interests in PEDL209 at completion will be;Egdon Resources U.K. Limited (Operator)60%Blackland Park Exploration Limited28%Stelinmatvic Industries Limited12%The transfer of interests and operatorship is subject to approval by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.PEDL209 covers a total area of 64 square kilometres and adjoins Egdon’s existing Licences PEDL139 and PEDL140 in the eastern part of the Gainsborough Trough geological basin of the East Midlands Petroleum Province.The Laughton Prospect is a structural trap defined on 2D seismic data. The prospect has multiple conventional Carboniferous sandstone reservoir targets with the primary objective being the Silkstone Rock, an approximately 15 metres thick sandstone interval which is productive in the Corringham oil field 5 kilometres to the South East. Egdon currently estimate gross Mean Prospective Resources of around 1 million barrels of oil for the Silkstone Rock in the Laughton Prospect. A planning application for the exploration well is currently under consideration by Lincolnshire County Council. The estimated well cost is around £1.3 million and, subject to planning consent, Egdon expects to drill the well during the first half of 2014.A number of additional oil and gas prospects similar to the Laughton structure have also been identified within the Licence’s area.Egdon also recognises that there is potential for significant shale-gas resources to be present within parts of the Licence. The Company’s current evaluation indicates that the Pendleian Shale shale-gas play extends over about 45 square kilometres of PEDL209. Using similar parameters to those defined by RPS Energy in their independent evaluation of the prospective shale-gas resources in PEDL139 and PEDL140, Egdon estimates that the total in-place volume of gas within the Pendleian Shale interval in PEDL209 could alone amount to over 3 Trillion cubic feet. Further, as with PEDL139 and PEDL140, PEDL209 is interpreted as holding additional shale-gas potential in the thick Lower Carboniferous sequence which underlies the Pendleian Shale but which remains to be tested by drilling in the region. Neither of these sequences will be penetrated in the planned Laughton-1 well.Commenting on the transaction Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased to have concluded this farm-in in one of our core business areas. The initial focus will be the drilling of the Laughton-1 exploration well, which will target a conventional prospect with gross Best Estimate Prospective Resources in the primary reservoir target of around 1 million barrels of oil close to existing production.Importantly the farm-in also delivers on our stated strategy of providing Egdon with increased exposure to shale-gas potential in an area identified by Egdon as containing an extension of the “sweet spot” of the Pendleian Shale play identified in our adjoining Gainsborough Trough licences PEDL139 and PEDL140.Subject to planning, we expect to drill the Laughton-1 well as part of our planned 2014 drilling programme.”
Terms Agreed for the Sale of an Interest in PL090 and PEDL237
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement on terms for the sale of a 10% interest in Licences PL090 and PEDL237 located in Dorset, to Union Jack Oil plc (“Union Jack”).Under the terms of a Sale and Purchase Agreement (the “Agreement”) Egdon’s 100% subsidiary Dorset Exploration Limited has granted Union Jack an option (exercisable up to 31 July 2013) to acquire the licence interests for a cash consideration of £560,000, payable on completion. A £20,000 non-refundable deposit has been paid under the terms of the Agreement. This deposit will form part of the consideration should the option be exercised.The transfer of interests will be subject to approval by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.Assuming the option is exercised and the recently announced transactions with Corfe Energy Limited have been completed, the resultant Licence Interests in PL090 (excluding Waddock Cross) and PEDL237 will be;Egdon Resources U.K. Limited (Operator)38.7500%First Oil Expro Limited22.6042%Aurora Exploration Limited16.1458%Corfe Energy Limited12.5000%Union Jack plc10.0000%The Licence Interests at completion, in the Waddock Cross field development area of PL090 will be;Egdon Resources U.K. Limited (Operator)45.00%First Oil Expro Limited26.25%Aurora Exploration Limited18.75%Union Jack plc10.00%PL090 and PEDL237 are located in the Wessex Basin, a geological basin with existing oil production at Wytch Farm, Wareham and Kimmeridge.Planning permission for the Waddock Cross field development in PL090 is expected soon and Egdon anticipates that production will commence during the third quarter of 2013 at gross rates of around 30-40 barrels of oil per day. Waddock Cross is mapped as having mean oil in place of over 30 million barrels. The plan for the first phase of the development is to drill two further horizontal producer wells by 2015. Egdon estimate gross Proven and Probable Reserves for the field for this initial phase at around 300,000 barrels of oil.Elsewhere in the licences Egdon has identified a number of leads and prospects at various reservoir levels including the Sherwood Sandstone, the primary reservoir at the Wytch Farm oilfield. Two prospective structures at Casterbridge and Broadmayne are identified where Egdon evaluate combined gross Best Estimate Prospective Resources of around 50 million barrels of oil. A 3D seismic programme is planned to evaluate these structures later in 2013 and should enable the licence group to identify the best location for a future exploration well, currently anticipated for 2014.Commenting on the transaction Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“This transaction would realise cash for the wider business whilst maintaining a material interest for Egdon in the Waddock Cross field development and the high potential Wessex Basin exploration prospects. We can look forward to first oil from the Waddock Cross oil field development in the third quarter of 2013 and the commencement of 3D seismic acquisition later in 2013 which should enable us to identify the best location for a possible exploration well on the high impact prospects of Casterbridge and Broadmayne.After a period of limited activity in these licences the planned increase in activity means that our Wessex Basin assets now have the potential significantly to drive near-term shareholder value.”
Farm-out of interest in the Wressle Prospect (PEDL180)
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the farm-out of an interest in Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence 180 (“PEDL180”), located in Lincolnshire, to Union Jack Oil plc (“Union Jack”). The farm-out is a further example of delivering on the Company’s strategy of farming out assets to manage risk and accelerate activity.Under the terms of the agreement, Union Jack will pay 16.66% of the cost of the planned Wressle-1 exploration well to earn an 8.33% interest in PEDL180. If the well is successful and proves the existence of an economically developable hydrocarbon accumulation, Union Jack will also earn an 8.33% interest in the part of the field which is determined to extend into the adjoining Licence PEDL182. As a result of this farm-out, Egdon’s exposure to the Wressle-1 well cost is reduced to 16.67%.On completion, the licence interests in PEDL180 will be as follows:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited25.00% (Operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited33.33%Europa Oil & Gas Limited33.34%Union Jack Oil plc8.33%The transfer of interests is subject to approval by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.PEDL180 was awarded in 2008 and is located on the western margin of the Humber Basin. The Wressle Prospect was originally identified and mapped using vintage 2D seismic data but has now been defined on proprietary 3D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in February 2012. The Prospect is located on trend with the producing Crosby Warren oil field and the Broughton-B1 oil discovery, both to the immediate northwest, and the Brigg-1 oil discovery to the immediate southeast. All contain oil in various different sandstone reservoirs within the Upper Carboniferous succession. The gross mean Prospective Resources at Wressle, as calculated by Egdon, are estimated to be 2.1 million barrels of oil.The planned well will be drilled as a deviated well to a total depth of about 2300 metres (ca. 1850 metres TVDSS) and a maximum offset of approximately 1250 metres. It has been designed to intersect all of the prospective sandstone reservoirs in a structurally favourable position near the crest of the Wressle structure. A surface location for the well site has been identified and a lease agreed with the landowner. A planning application was submitted in March 2013 and subject to receiving planning consent, it is intended that the Wressle-1 well will commence operations in the third quarter of 2013 as part of a programme of drilling, which will include the Burton on the Wolds-1 exploration well in Licence PEDL201.Commenting on the farm-out Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are pleased to welcome Union Jack into PEDL180 and the drilling of the Wressle Prospect. The prospect is well defined on new 3D seismic data and has the right “address”, being located between existing oil fields and discoveries. This farm-out is a further example of delivering on our strategy of managing both the technical and financial risks within our overall drilling portfolio. We now look forward to commencement of drilling operations in the East Midlands in the third quarter of 2013.”
Interim Results for the Six Months Ended 31 January 2013
Notification of Results
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR), the UK-based onshore exploration and production company primarily focused on the hydrocarbon-producing basins of the UK and Europe, announces that its Interim Results for the six months ended 31 January 2013 will be announced on Monday 29 April 2013.An analyst meeting will be held at 9.30am on Monday 29 April 2013 at the offices of Buchanan; 107 Cheapside, London, EC2V 6DN.
Award of Offshore Licence
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the award by the Department of Energy & Climate Change of a licence covering offshore blocks 41/18 and 41/19 located adjacent to the North Yorkshire coast. The licence, awarded as a result of 26th UK Seaward Licensing Round, will be a Traditional Licence with Egdon Resources U.K. Limited holding 100% interest and Operatorship.Only one well has previously been drilled in the licence area. The 41/18-1 (A339/1-2) well was drilled by Total in 1966 and was one of the earliest wells to discover hydrocarbons in the North Sea. Following acidisation, the well tested gas at rates of up to 2.5 million cubic feet of gas per day from fractured Upper Permian “Hauptdolomit” carbonates. Egdon’s preliminary evaluation indicates the potential for the drilled structure to contain substantial Prospective Resources in the range of 40 to 272 billion cubic feet of gas (“bcf”), with a mid-case of 150 bcf.Egdon intends to re-evaluate this gas discovery through a work programme which will include the acquisition, reprocessing and interpretation of existing 2D seismic data over the blocks together with detailed analysis of the previous well results and regional geological evaluation. Contingent upon confirmation of the size of the prospect and the potential resource, Egdon intends to seek consent to drill a well from an onshore location to appraise the discovery made by the original 1966 well.Commenting on the licence award Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We are delighted to have been awarded this 26th Round licence over these high potential blocks in one of our focus areas. We believe that our proposed approach of appraising and potentially developing this prospect via an onshore to offshore well could unlock the value in one of the earliest North Sea gas discoveries and we look forward to commencing our detailed technical evaluation.”
Sale of Certain Interests in PL090 and PEDL237 and Earn-In Arrangements
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement for the sale of a 12.5% interest in Wessex Basin Licences PL090 and PEDL237 to Corfe Energy Limited (“Corfe”) for a cash consideration of £500,000. The Waddock Cross field development area in PL090 is excluded from the transaction.In addition, under the terms of an Earn-In Agreement, Egdon will be able to earn back a 6.25% interest in both Licences through paying the costs attributable to such interest as well as the costs attributable to the 6.25% interest acquired by Corfe from Egdon up to a combined maximum of £500,000. The net financial effect of the transaction to Egdon is as if it had benefitted from a “two for one” promote on the relevant proportion of the gross £4 million work programme planned on the Licences.The parties have agreed to acquire a programme of 3D seismic over the Casterbridge prospect, the Broadmayne prospect and other prospective structures which is expected to commence during the fourth quarter of 2013. Following completion of the seismic programme and prior to the drilling of an exploration well on either of the Licences, Egdon is entitled to opt out of the Earn-In obligation but under these circumstances will re-assign its 6.25% Earn-in interest to Corfe.Corfe has also reached agreement on the same terms with First Oil Expro Limited and Aurora Exploration (UK) Limited and on completion of the Earn-In the Licence Interests in PL090 and PEDL237 will be as follows:Egdon (Operator)38.7500%First Oil Expro Limited22.6042%Aurora Exploration (UK) Limited16.1458%Corfe Energy Limited12.5000%Dorset Exploration Limited(1)10.0000%The transfer of interests is subject to approval by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.The PL090 and PEDL237 licencees have also agreed an Area of Mutual Interest in respect of the existing licence areas and certain adjacent areas.Commenting on the transaction Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“The transaction with Corfe is a further example of delivery of Egdon’s “farm-out” strategy to reduce financial exposure and accelerate activity on key exploration projects and provides the impetus for the acquisition of a 3D seismic programme over the main prospective trend later in 2013. The intention is to firm-up a drilling location to test a high potential Sherwood Sandstone Prospect in 2014. We have identified two prospective structures at Casterbridge and Broadmayne where Egdon evaluate combined gross Best Estimate Prospective Resources of around 50 million barrels of oil. The planned 3D seismic programme should enable us to identify the best location for a future exploration well.Elsewhere in the area the Waddock Cross planning decision is now expected during April with a planned production start-up around mid-year, dependent upon a positive decision on planning.”
(1) Dorset Exploration Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of Egdon Resources plc
Commencement of 2D seismic acquisition on PEDL 181, East Lincolnshire
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) notes the release made today by Europa Oil and Gas (Holdings) plc ("Europa") advising commencement of 2D seismic acquisition in UK Onshore Licence PEDL 181 in which Egdon holds a 25% interest.PEDL 181 covers an area of 540 square kilometres in East Lincolnshire, a region with a proven hydrocarbon system. Several leads have been identified on PEDL 181 following a recent technical evaluation. Four leads in the southern part of the licence are to be the focus of the current work which will comprise the acquisition of 78 line kilometres of 2D seismic data and the reprocessing of 150 square kilometres of existing 3D seismic data over a mapped structural high trend, the Caistor anticline.Egdon looks forward to receiving the results of the 2D seismic acquisition programme together with the reprocessed 3D dataset and using them to further define the prospectivity of the PEDL 181 licence and determine the future work programme.Licence partners in PEDL 181 are:Europa Oil & Gas Limited (Operator)50%Egdon Resources U.K. Limited25%Celtique Energie Petroleum Ltd.25%
Farm-out of Interests in PEDL253 and PEDL241 and farm-out options
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce that it has reached agreement in respect of farm-outs in Petroleum Exploration and Development Licences ("PEDLs") PEDL253 and PEDL241 to Union Jack Oil plc ("Union Jack"). Additionally, Egdon and Union Jack have signed a Letter of Intent whereby Union Jack has been granted an option to acquire a 10% interest in the North Somercotes Prospect in PEDL005R and a further 5% interest in PEDL241 from Egdon.The transfer of interests is subject to approval by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.Farm-out of PEDL253PEDL253 is located in Lincolnshire to the West of the Saltfleetby gasfield and Keddington oilfield and contains the Biscathorpe Prospect.Under the terms of the farm-out, Union Jack will earn a 6% interest from Egdon in PEDL253 in return for paying 12% of the cost of the planned Biscathorpe-2 exploration well.The Biscathorpe Prospect is a four-way dip closed structure over a basal Dinantian carbonate high. The Biscathorpe structure was initially drilled by BP in 1987 with the Biscathorpe-1 well encountering a thin, oil-filled sandstone on the crest of the structure. The prospect is defined by 3D seismic data which has been reprocessed by Egdon and along with regional well data and nearby analogues indicates the potential for thickening of the sandstones off the high to the north and northeast. In addition, potential exists for stratigraphic trapping of the reservoir to the west of the structural closure. The mean Prospective Resource for the main reservoir objective, as calculated by Egdon is estimated to be 17.81 million barrels of oil.The subsurface target location to test the Biscathorpe Prospect has been defined, a surface location has been identified and terms agreed for a well site from which a vertical well can be drilled to test the primary reservoir objective. Drilling operations are planned to commence in late Q4 2013 or early Q1 2014 subject to receipt of planning and other consents.Union Jack has also agreed terms with Montrose Energy Limited to earn a further 4% interest in return for paying 8% of the well cost.On completion the interests in PEDL253 will be as follows:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited54% (operator)Montrose Energy Limited36%Union Jack Oil plc10%Farm-out of PEDL241 and OptionPEDL241 is located in Lincolnshire and contains the North Kelsey Prospect, a tilted fault block closure, defined on 3D seismic.Under the terms of the farm-out agreement Union Jack will pay 20% of the cost of the North Kelsey well to earn a 10% interest in PEDL241 from Egdon.The North Kelsey Prospect is near to the Crosby Warren oilfield and oil discoveries at Broughton and Brigg. The subsurface location to test the prospect has been identified, a surface drilling location has been identified and terms agreed. Drilling operations are planned for late Q4 2013 or Q1 2014 subject to receipt of planning and other consents.There is potential for up to four stacked reservoir intervals on the North Kelsey Prospect, namely the Chatsworth, Beacon Hill, Ravensthorpe and Santon sandstones. The mean combined Prospective Resources for these multiple objectives, as calculated by Egdon are estimated to be 6.7 million barrels of oil.On completion the licence interests in PEDL241 will be as follows:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited40% (operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited50%Union Jack Oil plc10%In addition, a Letter of Intent between Egdon and Union Jack grants Union Jack an option to enter into a second Farm-In agreement for a further 5% participating Interest in PEDL241 under the same terms as above. The Letter of Intent will terminate on 31 July 2013 should the option not be exercised.North Somercotes Prospect OptionThe Letter of Intent also grants Union Jack the option to acquire a 10% Participating Interest in PEDL005R, limited to the part block which contains the North Somercotes Prospect, in return for paying 20% of the well cost. The Letter of Intent will terminate on 31 July 2013 should the option not be exercised.Located in the onshore South Humber Basin, approximately 5 kilometres north of the Saltfleetby gasfield, the North Somercotes Prospect is a gas prospect on a proven productive fairway, with a tilted fault-block closure defined on 3D seismic data. The mean Prospective Resources at the main objective, as calculated by Egdon are estimated to be 9 billion cubic feet of gas.A surface location has been identified and a planning application is in preparation. It is intended to drill a well on the North Somercotes Prospect, subject to necessary consents, during 2014 or 2015.Commenting on the farm-out Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
"We have a number of drill-ready 3D defined prospects in the East Midlands with the potential to add significant shareholder value. These farm-outs show further progress with our strategy designed to manage risk and accelerate activity on our planned near-term drilling programme with a view to realising this value. We are continuing to progress towards an active 2013 and 2014 drilling programme and we continue to discuss further transactions with a number of parties and hope to be able to provide further updates to shareholders in due course."
Grant of Options to Directors
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that as part of its annual salary and incentive review it has granted options to the following Directors under the terms of the Companys Enterprise Management Investment Option Scheme.DirectorNumber of Options grantedExercise Price (pence)Vesting DateExercisable UntilMark Abbott600,000101 January 201431 March 2022Jerry Field600,000101 January 201431 March 2022Following the grant of the options, which were effective at 1 January 2013, the interests of the Directors in the share capital of the Company are as follows:DirectorTotal number of Options held over Ordinary SharesNumber of Ordinary Shares heldMark Abbott1,218,4297,563,824Jerry Field1,388,6000
Change of Adviser
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) announces that Cantor Fitzgerald Europe has been appointed as the Companys Nominated Adviser and Broker with immediate effect.This follows the acquisition of certain assets and businesses of Seymour Pierce Limited by Cantor Fitzgerald Europe. For further information see the AIM Notice dated 8 February 2013.
Farm-out of interest in PEDL201
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the farm-out of a further 5% interest in Petroleum Exploration and Development Licence 201 (“PEDL201”) located in Nottinghamshire and Leicestershire to Union Jack Oil plc (“Union Jack”).Under the terms of the agreement, Union Jack will pay 10% of the cost of the planned Burton on the Wolds-1 exploration well to earn a 5% interest from Egdon. As a result Egdon’s exposure to the well is reduced to 15% of costs. Union Jack has also agreed the same terms with Celtique Energie Petroleum Ltd (“Celtique”) to result in a 10% total licence interest.On completion the licence interests in PEDL201 will be as follows:Egdon Resources U.K. Limited32.50% (operator)Celtique Energie Petroleum Limited32.50%Terrain Energy Limited12.50%Corfe Energy Limited12.50%Union Jack Oil plc10.00%The transfer of interests is subject to approval by the Department of Energy and Climate Change.PEDL201 was awarded in 2008 and is located on the southern margin of the Widmerpool Gulf geological basin. The Burton on the Wolds Prospect has been mapped on proprietary 2D seismic data, which was acquired by Egdon in May 2011. Evaluation has highlighted a prospect with targets at two distinct stratigraphic levels. The shallower target, the Rempstone Sandstone, is productive at the nearby Rempstone oil field. A seismic anomaly, possibly indicative of a carbonate reef, underlies the Rempstone Sandstone. The mean combined Prospective Resources for the primary and secondary objectives, as calculated by Egdon are estimated to be 3.8 million barrels of oil.The planned well will be shallow with a drilled depth of around 1000 metres to test both targets. A planning application has been finalised and is expected to be submitted shortly. Subject to planning it is intended that the Burton on the Wolds-1 well will commence drilling late in the second quarter of 2013.Commenting on the farm-out Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon said:
“We look forward to working with Union Jack in exploring the Burton on the Wolds Prospect. The prospect combines a lower risk reservoir target offsetting nearby production with a higher risk, higher potential play at present untested in the basin. This further farm-out agreement enables Egdon to manage both the technical and financial risks associated with this project.As part of our stated strategy to manage risk and accelerate activity, we have embarked on a more active marketing campaign and I am pleased to report that we are in advanced discussions regarding further farm-outs on a number of our projects. I hope to be able to report further progress with these in the coming weeks.”
Director Share Dealing
The Company has been informed that Mark Abbott, Managing Director, today purchased 200,000 ordinary shares in the Company at a price of 10.64 pence each via his SIPP. Mr Abbotts total beneficial shareholding in the Company is now 7,563,824 ordinary shares, representing 5.7 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company.
Mairy Permit Update - Commencement of drilling operations, farmout and modification to Royalty Agreement
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to provide an update in relation to the Mairy Permit (the “Permit”), located in the eastern part of the Paris Basin, onshore France.Egdon has been informed by the operator, Hess Oil France (“Hess”), that drilling operations commenced on 20 January 2013 at the Huiron-1 exploration well in the Permit. The Huiron-1 well will evaluate the hydrocarbon potential of the Jurassic, Rhaetian and older formations and is expected to take around 60 days to drill.In addition, Egdon is pleased to advise that it has finalised a farmout of part of its interest in the Mairy Permit to Hess. Under the terms of the farmout, Egdon will transfer an unencumbered 35% interest in the Permit to Hess, taking their total beneficial interest to 85%, in return for a carry of the well costs attaching to Egdon’s retained 15% interest, capped at the level of a gross cost of $10.25 million for the Huiron-1 well. Additionally Hess will carry Egdon for $0.5 million of other general and administrative costs on the Permit. The effective date for the farmout is 1 January 2012. The farmout is subject to the standard government approval process.Egdon also advises that it has reached agreement with Geoex Eastern Limited (“Geoex”) to reduce the burden of an existing Overriding Royalty on the Permit from 4.5% of Egdon’s pre-Farmout interest to 4.5% of the retained 15% interest only. The consideration payable to Geoex for this restructuring comprises $100,255 payable in cash and $100,000 in new Egdon Ordinary shares calculated by reference to the average closing price for the five trading days prior to completion. Accordingly, application has been made for admission of 595,207 new Ordinary shares to trading on AIM, which is expected to become effective on or around 25 January 2013. The newly issued shares represent 0.45 per cent. of the enlarged share capital of the Company.The total number of Egdon Ordinary Shares in issue is now 132,787,543. Therefore, the total number of voting rights in the Company is 132,787,543.Commenting on developments with the Mairy Permit, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon, said;
“We are pleased to have finalised the restructuring of our interest in the Mairy Permit and as a result have significantly reduced our financial exposure to the Huiron-1 well. We await the results of the well with interest.”
PEDL139 and 140 Shale-Gas Resources Assessment
Egdon Resources plc (AIM:EDR) is pleased to announce the results of an independent evaluation by RPS Energy (“RPS”) of the potential shale-gas resources in the Company’s onshore U.K. East Midland licences PEDL139 and PEDL140 (the “Licences”) where the Company holds 13.5% interests.RPS has reviewed the available data in the Licences and made an assessment of potential gas volumes and geological chance of success based on analogous shale-gas plays in the USA. The Licences are located in Lincolnshire and cover an area which is underlain by the Gainsborough Trough, a geological basin which contains a 125 metre thick sequence of the Carboniferous age Pendleian Shale at a depth of over 2000 metres. The Pendleian Shale is the approximate age equivalent of parts of the Bowland Shale which is the principal shale-gas reservoir target under evaluation in the Bowland Basin of North West England.RPS estimates the mean net Egdon total gas in place (“GIIP”) as 1.76 trillion cubic feet of gas (“tcf”) within the Licences. A review of the surface and sub-surface access constraints in the area has resulted in an estimated mean net Egdon Accessible GIIP of 1.22 tcf. The net Egdon mean Prospective Resources(1) are estimated as 0.19 tcf based on recovery rates in analogous US plays. RPS estimates the geological chance of success to be 24%.Egdon intends to evaluate the potential of the Licences through drilling a deep exploration well, which it is hoped will be undertaken during 2014 subject to obtaining all necessary consents and approvals. Egdon’s costs are carried through this work programme.In addition to the Pendleian Shale, which is the subject of the RPS report, Egdon interprets potential for significant additional shale-gas resources in the underlying Carboniferous succession in the blocks that will be evaluated by any future drilling. Egdon is also evaluating the unconventional resource potential in certain of the Company’s other East Midlands licences.Commenting on the report and recent government announcements in relation to shale-gas exploration, Mark Abbott, Managing Director of Egdon, said;
“Whilst recognising that we are still at an early exploration stage in these Licences, and indeed for UK unconventional resources in general, we are encouraged by the results of the RPS evaluation which indicate that the geological conditions appear favourable for the development of a potentially material shale-gas resource based on the currently available data and comparison with US analogues.We welcome the announcements in December 2012 by the UK Government in relation to Gas Strategy, the setting up of the Office of Unconventional Gas and Oil, and the approval for restarting of shale-gas exploration in the UK. There is now a clear regulatory framework for the exploration of the UK’s unconventional oil and gas resources which have the potential to make a significant contribution to the UK’s economy and energy mix over the coming decades.An executive summary of the report by RPS will be available for download from Egdon’s website.”
Note(1) Any development would have to take into account permitting, legal issues, environmental issues and availability of project finance, but RPS has not made a risk assessment of these factors. In addition RPS has made the assumption that adequate numbers of rigs and fraccing units will be available to drill and complete the large number of horizontal wells which would be required to fully develop the mean Prospective Resources estimated by RPS.View or Download RPS Executive Summary Report